Rhetorical principles of interactive multimedia design, such as those in Blu-Ray videos and streaming multimedia. Practical understanding of computer applications used in interactive multimedia development. Focus on theoretical and practical elements of producing multimedia training in both education and industry. Work with interactive hypertext, digital audio, and nonlinear video editing.

In the Fall 2020 semester we studied multimedia production, including interactive multimedia, as they are used in workplace, technical, and professional purposes. The class was held entirely online, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
We examined the rhetorical principles which underlie contemporary interactive multimedia design, such as those in Blu-Ray discs, responsive web content, streaming multimedia, and virtual reality. We looked closely at training and teaching, which often use these new media. We learned to produce several forms of multimedia, and learn techniques for evaluating the quality of multimedia in workplace (and educational) contexts.
We read articles and guides to strengthen each student’s practical understanding of the computer systems and applications which make interactive multimedia development possible. We focused on theoretical and practical elements of producing multimedia training in both education and industry. Class assignments involved work with interactive hypertext, digital audio, and nonlinear video editing.