Some photos from my life: my youth, my professional work, and my family. As you see, I’m always up to something. But you shouldn’t need an account with a particular company’s social media network just to see silly pics like these.
Our Wedding Day
Our wedding day, 2008.
Our Wedding
Our wedding ceremony, 2008.
Just Married
Just married, 2008.
The Wedding Reception
Our wedding reception, 2008.
In my Office
Me, in my Ross Hall office.
Presenting about DH
Me, presenting about the Digital Humanities at East Carolina University.
At the Tate, London
The girls in the Tate Museum, London.
At the Tate, London
The girls loved the Tate.
At the Tate, London
The girls loved the Tate.
At Our Family PC
At our family PC, an 8086 IBM PC clone.
My First SLR
My first SLR, a Pentax K-1000 I loved.
The Murphy High National Honor Society, 1985. I'm in back, second from the left.
Assembling our Daisy-Wheel Printer
Assembling our family daisy-wheel printer in 1984.
Dad and Me, at ND
Dad and me, at Notre Dame on graduatation day.
At Jeremy's Graduation
All of us at Jeremy's graduation.
Sidney the cat.
Sidney the cat. (2001-2023)
Rosie, on the couch with me, asking to go to the dog park.
Pixel the cat.
Pixel the cat. (2008-2023).
Bicycling on Campus
Charlie and me, bicycling on campus.
At the Omaha Zoo
Me and K, in the 'Skyfari' at the Omaha Henry Doorly Zoo, above two rhinoceri.
In New Orleans
Alisha and me In New Orleans.
Preparing Chroma Shooting
Preparing video shoots in class, back when HD was new.
Creativity Requires Food
Creating innovative multimedia sometimes requires strawberries.
Editing Video in Class
Editing video in class, back when HD was new.
Teaching the Computer Lab
Me, teaching in the Ross Hall 420 computer classroom.
Me, Teaching from Home
My home online teaching setup, 2020.
In Colorado Springs
In Colorado Springs, Colorado
The Gulf Coast Crab Festival
At the Gulf Coast Crab Festival in Waveland.
Techno-Geoff A
Techno-Geoff A.
Techno-Geoff B
Techno-Geoff B.
Me, at the Aquarium
Me, at the Omaha Henry Doorly Zoo aquarium.
Teaching Color Correction
Teaching video color correction online, 2020.
Teaching Video Lighting
Teaching video lighting online, 2020.
The High Tressel Trail
At the High Tressel Trail bridge.
The High Tressel Trail Bridge
Us, on the High Tressel Trail bridge.
The High Tressel Trail
At the High Tressel Trail bridge.
The Three of Us
The three of us, before K was born.
The Four of Us
The four of us, together.
All of Us
The family together in the Tate, London.
At Brookside Park
The extended family's kids on the Brookside Park fire truck.
Sledding with the Kids
Me, sledding with the kids on Rocket Hill in Ames.
Carving Pumpkins
Carving a Halloween pumpkin.
From Brookside Park
Our old Ames house, from the park.
On the Eiffel Tower
Mignight, at the top of the Eiffel Tower.
On the Eiffel Tower
Mignight, at the top of the Eiffel Tower.
In the Studio
Me, in the Studio for New Media.
Lunch with Colleagues
A lunch get-together of ISU alumni at the ATTW conference.
The Family Together
The family together.
In Colorado Springs
At Trinity Brewing In Colorado Springs.
In Brookside Park
An Autumn day in Brookside Park.
Chicago, with Family
In Chicago, with family.
Together in Paris
All of us, together in Paris.
Alisha and Charlie
Alisha and Charlie love Paris.
Teaching Rosie to Swim
Teaching Rosie to swim.
Our Old Ames House
Our old Ames house, in the middle of our street.
Christmas Dinner Together
Christmas dinner together in Waveland.
With Alisha in Paris
With Alisha in Paris.
At Computers and Writing
Presenting about Internet privacy issues at a scholarly conference.
At the Des Moines Sculpture Park
Alisha and me, at the Des Moines sculpture park.
In Steampunk London
In steampunk-like London.
At a Conference
With grad students at a conference in Michigan.
One of the girls' summer lemonade stands.
One of the girls' summer lemonade stands.
With Big Ben
The mandatory touristy photo of me with Big Ben.
At the Design Museum
Me, happy as a clam, at the Design Museum in London.
In South Ken
Enjoying South Ken on a summer afternoon.
Loving Wine Shopping
I love Iowa. But shopping for wine in Europe is *wonderful*.
Pixel and Q
Pixel and Q.
Rosie, Q and C
The children and Rosie.
In the London Eye
In the London Eye.
At Furman Aquatic Center
Enjoying the new Furman Aquatic Center, Ames.
Teaching Online
Teaching online during a pandemic.
On the ISU Campus
Me, carrying video equipment on the ISU campus.
Funny Sculpture
K thought naked scuptures were *hilarious*.
Presenting at MSU
Me, presenting at Michigan State University.
In Colorado
Alisha and me at Rocky Mountain National Park.
At the Globe
At the Globe, having just seen _Twelfth Night_.
With Tim and Valli, above Estes Park.
Alisha and me at Rocky Mountain National Park.
Only one daughter at a time will smile for photos. They take turns.
Q and me, playing tennis.
Together in Trafalgar Square.
At Rocky Mountain National Park.
Q loves Paris. Not as much as London, but.
With Alisha, Tim and Valli at Rocky Mountain National Park.
Teaching my students how to light 4K video projects. (Don't actually light videos this way.)
Marching for Progress, 2018.
At Rocket Hill in Ames with my favorite sled.
Enjoying Hyde Park after a redeye flight.
The girls love South Kensington, too.
Above Palm Springs, CA.
Digitally-Edited Geoff
Teaching students to edit videos and images, we created *this*.
Preparing Video Shooting
Preparing video shoots in class, back when HD was new.
In the Studio for New Media.
At the Palm Springs, California Art Museum.
Me, stylized, in Brookside Park.
A digitally-edited photo of myself and the ISU Campanile.
A photo of myself and the ISU Campanile.
Pavel and me, in grad school in Pittsburgh.
Rosie and my family, in Brookside Park in Ames.
Me, presenting for UX Central Iowa at Workiva.
Alisha and me, before the wedding.
In Storm Lake, Iowa.
In Jackson Square, New Orleans.
The family together at the old house.
Me, presenting for UX Central Iowa at Workiva.
Presenting 'Accompanying Usability and UX' for World Usability Day, 2019.
Us at the Chicago Art Institute.
Me at the Majors Fair, answering questions about TComm.
The ISU Student STC Chapter
The ISU Student chapter of the Society for Technical Communication.
Giving Q a piggyback ride.
Me, golfing in Mississippi, with an alligator behind me.
The family in Waveland.
The family in Waveland.
Me, on a stand-up paddleboard in the Gulf of Mexico. (I never got very good at standing.)
Everyone loves libraries. Right?
Me with a class of undergrads, fifteen years ago.
NYE in New Orleans, back when they still burned Christmas trees.
The whole family by the river in Chicago.
Our multiple-winning trivia team.
Enjoying Adventureland.
Deciding whether to try the Adventureland water slides.
Rosie is always asking for something! Especially love.
Me, presenting at the Computers and Writing conference in East Lansing, MI.
With Alisha and JoAnna at an Agile Iowa conference.
Me, composing on the computer with my 66-key MIDI keyboard.
Valli and me riding horses in the Colorado Rockies.
With the family in a four-story apartment in Paris.
At the downtown Omaha Art Museum.
Me, presenting at a scholarly conference in Minnesota.
A meal in St. Paul with grad students after a successful conference day.
Me, with some grad students in St. Paul, MN.
With the kids at the top of the Eiffel Tower at midnight.
At the Eiffel Tower
Me, in front of the Eiffel Tower in the late afternoon.
In front of Mont-St.-Michel, in Normandy (right on the border of Brittany).
Me, presenting at World Usability Day from the ISU UX Lab.
On Nelson's Column, in Trafalgar Square in London.
Family Christmas at home.
Carrying K piggyback in the Colorado high desert.
With Alisha in the evening at the Des Moines Sculpture Park.
Sailing a canoe with Josiah.
Have you ever sailed a canoe? We have.
I Play Mandolin
I love to play mandolin.
Teaching my nephew Bazyl to play the mandolin.
Biking in Ames, near the old house.
Above Las Vegas at night.
Back when I still had the Miata.
With the family at Jeremy and MJ's wedding.
At Ellen's wedding at Waikiki, on Oahu.
Me, speaking to Sigma Tau Delta
Me, speaking to the Sigma Tau Delta honor society induction.
Learning to drive a tractor in Storm Lake, Iowa.
Shopping for a modern tractor at the Iowaa State Fair.
Racing down Rocket Hill in Ames.
Parasailing with Bazyl above the Gulf of Mexico.
On the hill above the Furman Aquatic Center, Ames.
Pixel is fooled by 1080p HD fish.
Bazyl, Tim and I with a lunar lander at the Stennis Space Center.
Me, in front of the EServer workstations in Pittsburgh, 1998.
Me in the early Studio, developing the English LMS.
When I Taught Lacan
Me, back when I still used to teach Lacan.
At Storm Lake, Iowa
Together at Storm Lake, Iowa.
Carrying Q piggyback during a long day in the New Orleans French Quarter.
Pixel climbed the ladder, but didn't have a plan to get back down.
Me, presenting in one of the Grand Ballrooms in a Las Vegas CCCC Conference.
Teaching a grad seminar in the Ross 420 computer classroom.
A flyer for a presentation I gave to two chapters of the Society for Technical Communication.
A flyer for one of my Rhetoric Colloquium talks.
A chapter I coauthored with David Sauer about contemporary scholarship in American drama.
Me, on an Iowa Public Television documentary.
ENGL 505 2022
The flyer for User Experience Architecture and Testing.
A flyer for my Multimedia Design grad seminar.
Me, a Graduation Marshal
Me, as a marshal at graduation ceremonies.
Me, in an Iowa Cornfield
Me, in an Iowa cornfield surrounded by windmills.
Me with a Commodore 64.
Me, working on a Commodore 64 in high school.
Raffles and Me
Me and my elderly childhood dog, Raffles. (1972-1985).
Me, at our High School PC
Me at our 8086 PC clone in high school.
Me and the Big Table Books Team
Me with the rest of the Big Table Books city league softball team.
Alisha, Rosie and Me
Alisha, Rosie and me at the bridge across Ada Hayden Lake.
With many of my family at Honey Creek resort.
With many of my family at Honey Creek resort.
Me, on one of the bridges over Ioway Creek in Brookside Park.
The family on the Oak Boulevard Pier, extending into the Gulf.
A corgi—who thinks she's a velociratpor—in the ferns.
Me, in front of a Rothko in the Des Moines Art Center.
Our old Ames house, in the middle of our street.
Our old Ames house, in the middle of our street.
Our old Ames house was lovely from above.
Our old Ames house was lovely from above.
Our old Ames house was absolutely gorgeous in the fall.
Our old Ames house was absolutely gorgeous in the fall.
Our old Ames house is absolutely gorgeous in the fall.
Our old Ames house is absolutely gorgeous in the fall.
The family in the park behind the Des Moines Art Museum.
Alisha and me, before the wedding.
Alisha and me, before the wedding.
Preparing to share leftover Halloween candy with my students.
Alisha, Rosie and me at the bridge across Ada Hayden Lake.
Rosie and the rest of my girls.
Walking Rosie around the lake at Ada Hayden Park.
The ISU campus is a wonderful place to walk.
Reconstructing the Studio after the Ross Hall fire in 2020.
Rewioring the Studio's A/V after the Ross Hall fire in 2020.
The Studio rebuilt, in October 2021.
The Studio rebuilt, in October 2021.
At a bicycle bar in Slater, Iowa, with a few dozen friends.
Biking on the High Trestle Bridge with a few dozen friends.
At a bicycle bar in Madrid, Iowa, with a few dozen friends.
Rosie, being extra derpy.
Quality family time in the pool.
Teaching Rosie to love the pool as much as we do.
Alisha and I, on the High Trestle bridge with the girls.
Riding with Alisha and friends on the High Trestle Trail Bridge.
Alisha, reading some of her poetry at the Octagon Center for the Arts.
At the Honey Creek resort in southern Iowa.
Everyone (but Rosie) put on a hat!
Wandering the alleys of the French Quarter together, in New Orleans.
Getting beignets at the Café de Monde.
Getting beignets at the Café de Monde, New Orleans.
Looking at Jackson Square from the hotel balcony, in New Orleans.
Me, at the bayou Jon boat.
I am actually *quite* afraid of being eaten by a dinosaur.
K isn't afraid of *anything*.
Bicycling with Josiah across the Gulf of Mexico.
Us, by a Bayou in Gulfport
Us, at the edge of a bayou in Gulfport.
Everyone Needs a Pool Unicorn
Everyone needs a floating pool unicorn. Pegacorn?
Us, in the evening at the Oak Boulevard pier on the Gulf.
At Zombie Burger
Q and me at Zombie Burger, Des Moines.
Teaching in the Studio
Me, teaching in the Studio in front of the ChromaKey green screen.
Me, at the Mall
Me, shopping in 2022 at the Jordan Creek Mall.
At the Ames Dog Park
With our friends at the dog park in Ames.
Rosie Loves the Pool
Rosie loves the pool.
Rosie Loves the Pool
Rosie loves the pool.
Alisha and me, on the back porch.
Alisha and me, on the back porch.
Enjoying the Hammock
Q, enjoying the hammock in Cozumel.
Us, in the Pool
Us, in the pool.
Charlie in the Pool
Charlie enjoying the pool, in Cozumel.
Alisha and Charlie, Snorkeling
Alisha and Charlie, snorkeling in the Caribbean.
Me on the Balcony
Me on the balcony overlooking the Caribbean.
Me, on the Scuba Pier
Me, on the scuba pier in Cozumel.
Relaxing by the Pool
Relaxing by the pool in Cozumel.
Alisha, Looking Relaxed
Alisha, looking very relaxed during Spring Break 2022.
A Gorgeous View
A gorgeous view of the pool, Cozumel.
Us, on the Scuba Pier
Us, on the scuba pier in Cozumel.
All of us, After Snorkeling
All of us, after snorkeling in the Caribbean.
Enjoying the Hammock
C, enjoying the hammock in Cozumel.
Relaxing by the Pool
Relaxing by the pool in Cozumel.
Reading on the Beach
Reading on the beach in Cozumel.
Before Snorkeling
Us, just before snorkeling in the Caribbean.
On a Caribbean Sandbar
Enjoying each others' company on a sandbar in the Caribbean.
Me, Swimming with the Fish
Me, swimming with the fish in the Caribbean.
Snorkeling in the Caribbean Shallows
Snorkeling in the Caribbean shallows.
Touring Mayan Ruins
Touring Mayan ruins, with Q and C.
At San Martin
At San Martin, Cozumel.
Lunch on the Beach
Lunch on the beach.
Alisha and Charlie
Alisha and Charlie, in the Caribbean.
I Look Terrible
I look terrible, snorkeling.
With a Mermaid
Me, with a mermaid on a sandbar in the Caribbean.
Lounging under a Parasol
Lounging under a marina parasol.
Overlooking the Caribbean
Alisha and me, overlooking the Caribbean.
The Balcony Above the Pool
Enjoying the balcony above the pool.
Charlie and Me Snorkeling
Charlie and me, about to jump in.
Us, on the Scuba Pier
Us, on the scuba pier.
Playing with Rosie
Rosie’s in a mood to play. And she knows I can’t resist the Möbius strip toy.
Me, with the Library Liaisons
Me, presenting to the ISU Library Liaisons.
Family Doubles Tennis
Us, playing family doubles tennis at Brookside Park.
Teaching SVG Images
Teaching SVG images in a web design class.
Me, in my Old Office
Me, in my old ISU office with my books arrayed behind me.
Teaching Analytics
Teaching website analytics, for usability and user experience research..
Alisha and Me, at Ada Hayden Lake
Alisha and Me, at Ada Hayden Lake.
The Pups, Cuddling
The dogs, relaxing alonside each other.
Us, at Chocolaterie Stam
My parents, the girls and I enjoying a chocolate store in Ames.
Mom, with Our Pups
Jan Sauer, cuddling our two dogs on the couch.
Jan and Dave at the Lockwood Café
Jan and Dave at the Lockwood Café
ISU STC Student Chapter
The ISU STC Student Chapter, 2022
Carving Sand Scuptures
Carving sand scuptures, at the beach.
Charlie Loves the Toy Store
Charlie Loves the Toy Store
Q and I, Wearing Vests
Quinn and I, wearing vests.
Charlie and Me, Convertabling Down the Beach
Charlie and me, convertabling down the beach.
Charlie and Gabe, Swimming
Charlie and Gabe, Swimming.
Charlie and Gabe, Swimming
Charlie and Gabe, Swimming.
First Day of School, 2022
First Day of School, Fall 2022.
Alisha and I Love Books
Alisha and I love books, as the sign says we should.
Me, Scanning
Me, scanning a 100-year-old Aulén text to read and consider.
Teaching Web Design
Teaching Web Design, during the pandemic.
ENGL 549 Flyer, Spring 2023
ENGL 549 Flyer, Spring 2023
ENGL 313 Flyer, Spring 2023
ENGL 313 Flyer, Spring 2023
Charlie, on the Waveland swing.
Quinn, on the Waveland swing.
Quinn, on the Waveland swing.
Charlie, on the Waveland swing.
Charlie, on the Waveland swing.
Charlie, on the Waveland swing.
Charlie, on the Waveland swing.
Charlie, on the Waveland swing.
Charlie, on the Waveland swing.
Me, at Eatery A
Me, having dinner with Alisha at Eatery A in Des Moines.
My new office building at Texas Tech.
My new office building at Texas Tech.
Us, enjoying Thanksgiving in NOLA.
Us, enjoying Thanksgiving in NOLA.
Thanksgiving 2023 in Waveland.
Thanksgiving 2023 in Waveland.
Feeding chickens in Waveland.
Feeding chickens in Waveland.
Digital humanities includes books and video.
Digital humanities includes books and video.
Climbing a rock wall in Lubbock.
Climbing a rock wall in Lubbock.
Me, with my diplomas.
Me, with my diplomas.
I LOVE used bookstores.
I LOVE used bookstores. Especially ones with cats.
Me, at my desk in my new office.
Me, at my desk in my new office.
Me, at my desk in my new office.
Me, at my desk in my new office.
Preparing for Halloween at the new house.
Preparing for Halloween at the new house.
Preparing for Halloween at the new house.
Preparing for Halloween at the new house.
Rosie loves cuddling with Quinn.
Rosie loves cuddling with Quinn.
I wore the right shirt to the First Friday Art Fair.
I wore the right shirt to the First Friday Art Fair.
Geoff and a pirate friend at the Lubbock water park.
Geoff and a pirate friend at the Lubbock water park.
The Waveland house, now solar-powered.
The Waveland house, now solar-powered.
The Waveland house, now solar-powered.
The Waveland house, now solar-powered.
The Waveland house, now solar-powered.
The Waveland house, now solar-powered and better than ever.
Paddleboarding in Lubbock, Texas.
Paddleboarding in Lubbock, Texas.
Paddleboarding in Lubbock, Texas.
Paddleboarding in Lubbock, Texas.
Paddleboarding in Lubbock, Texas.
Paddleboarding in Lubbock, Texas.
We had a wonderful day at the Texas Tech Culture Fest.
We had a wonderful day at the Texas Tech Culture Fest.
Alisha, Bollywood-style dancing at the Texas Tech Culture Fest.
Alisha, Bollywood-style dancing at the Texas Tech Culture Fest.
Charlie and me, at the Texas Tech Culture Fest.
Charlie and me, at the Texas Tech Culture Fest.
Rosie is super cute.
Rosie is super cute.
Fred is also super cute.
Fred is also super cute.
Rosie and Fred are super cute together.
Rosie and Fred are super cute together.
The dogs are fascinated by the Lubbock swimming pool.
The dogs are fascinated by the Lubbock swimming pool.
The dogs are fascinated by the Lubbock swimming pool.
The dogs are fascinated by the Lubbock swimming pool.
The dogs are fascinated by the Lubbock swimming pool.
The dogs are fascinated by the Lubbock swimming pool.
The dogs are fascinated by the Lubbock swimming pool.
The dogs are fascinated by the Lubbock swimming pool.
Us, enjoying a day at the Lubbock water park.
Us, enjoying a day at the Lubbock water park.
My Official TTU Portrait
My official TTU portrait. I kind of hate it. My hair never looks like this.
A flyer for my Spring 2024 web design course.
A flyer for my Spring 2024 web design course.
A flyer for my Spring 2024 technical editing course.
A flyer for my Spring 2024 technical editing course.
Rosie and Fred love their new back yard.
Rosie and Fred love their new back yard.
Rosie and Fred love their new back yard.
Rosie and Fred love their new back yard.
Geoff, in the TTU English Media Lab.
Geoff, in the TTU English Media Lab.
Geoff, in the TTU English Media Lab.
Geoff, in the TTU English Media Lab.
A new sign for our kitchen.
A new sign for our kitchen.
Charlie and me on scooters, on the TTU campus.
Charlie and me on scooters, on the TTU campus.
Charlie and me on scooters, on the TTU campus.
Charlie and me on scooters, on the TTU campus.
Me, in the Arizona desert.
Me, in the Arizona desert.
Charlie, always smiling in the pool. (Photo by Ellen Escarcega.)
Charlie, always smiling in the pool. (Photo by Ellen Escarcega.)
Our Christmas stockings below California mountains.
Our Christmas stockings below California mountains.
Us, performing an audiobook version of A Christmas Carol.
Us, performing an audiobook version of A Christmas Carol.
Me, in front of a WWII P-40.
Me, in front of a WWII P-40 at the Palm Springs Air Museum.
The Sauer/Escarcega family, together at Christmas 2023.
The Sauer/Escarcega family, together at Christmas 2023. (Photo by Ellen Escarcega.)
The Sauer/Escarcega men are funny.
The Sauer/Escarcega men are funny. (Photo by Ellen Escarcega.)
We love Palm Springs at Christmastime.
We love Palm Springs at Christmastime. (Photo by Ellen Escarcega.)
Charlie loves Christmas.
Charlie loves Christmas. Especially in Palm Springs. (Photo by Ellen Escarcega.)
Ellen and me playing pool.
Ellen and me playing pool.
Christmas lights in Palm Springs, California.
Christmas lights in either Easter Island or Indian Wells.
Geoff, Ellen, and Jeremy above the Coachella Valley.
Geoff, Ellen, and Jeremy above the Coachella Valley.
Us, together at Joshua Tree National Park.
Us, together at Joshua Tree National Park. (Photo by Ellen Escarcega.)
Quinn, climbing rocks at Joshua Tree.
Quinn, climbing rocks at Joshua Tree.
We all love being together at Christmas.
We all love being together at Christmas.
Charlie loves swimming pools.
Charlie loves swimming pools.
Sometimes, the Spelling Bee is tricky.
Sometimes, the Spelling Bee is tricky.
Alisha and me at Joshua Tree National Park.
Alisha and me at Joshua Tree National Park.
Everyone loves cuddly, stuffed chickens.
Everyone loves cuddly, stuffed chickens.
Us, together at Joshua Tree National Park.
Us, having fun together at Joshua Tree National Park.
Playing pool with my mother.
Playing pool with my mother in Palm Springs.
Us, staying at the El Rancho hotel in Gallup, NM.
Us, staying at the El Rancho hotel in Gallup, NM.
Me, teaching video lighting digitally.
An infinite number of Geoffs, teaching video lighting digitally.
The Family, Dining Together.
The family, dining together.
Fred and Me, in the Car
Fred and me, in the car.
Alisha and I love Christmas at Ellen's.
Alisha and I love Christmas at Ellen's.
Charlie, atop small mountains at Joshua Tree.
Charlie, atop small mountains at Joshua Tree.
Me, at Joshua Tree.
Me, with a Joshua tree at Joshua Tree National Park.
Us, at Joshua Tree National Park
Us, with a Joshua tree at Joshua Tree National Park.
Charlie, Holding Up the World.
Charlie, Holding Up the World.
Everyone, at the 2024 Mayinar party in our back yard.
Our faculty and PhD students at Mayinar 2024.
Me, preparing to give a talk at the RSA biannual conference in Denver.
Alisha and me, trying all the new local restaurants in Lubbock.
My morning walk, at Urbanovsky Park in Lubbock.
Us, at Six Flags.
Alisha and I in a Texas cornfield.
Charlie's, showing off her new glasses.
Resting in the cabana, during a long day at the water park.
Enjoying a cabana during a day at Six Flags Over Texas' waterpark.
The family, all together.
Me, in the wave pool at the Six Flags Hurricane Harbor waterpark.
Rosie and Fred don't share toys easily.
Me, on the Texas Christian University campus for the C&W 2024 annual conference.
Rosie and Fred, excited for a road trip.
Me, in a base-10 stairway at TCU.
Enjoying time with former grad students who are now successful tenure-track faculty is the *best*.
Quinn, Charlie and me, laughing in the back yard.
Alisha and Me, in our Lubbock back yard.
Me, at the Digital Humanities Symposium.
Me and a few dozen friends at the end of the Computers and Writing annual conference 2024.
A sentiment I can stand behind. (In front of?)
Me, wearing my eclipse sunglasses for the 2024 eclipse.